@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ FAQ KILLER INSTINCT @END_FILE_ID.DIZ ::: ::: ::::::: ::: ::: ::::::: :::::::: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: +:+:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+:+ +:+ +:+ +#+# +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+#+ #+ #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# ### ### ####### ###### ###### ####### ### ### ::::::: ::: ::: ::::::: ::::::::: ::::::: ::: ::: ::::::: :::::::: :+: :+:+ :+: :+: :+: :+: :+:+ :+: :+: :+: +:+ +:+ +: +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +: +:+ +:+ +:+ +#+ +#+ +#+#+ +#+#+#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+#+ +#+ +#+ #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# ####### ### ### ####### ### ####### ### ### ####### ### FAQ 3.0 This file is Copyright (c) 1994. All rights reserved. Distribution of this file, in whole or in part is permitted, provided it isn't modified in any way and that proper credit is given to the authors. _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/ Introduction _/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ Hello all, and welcome to the Killer Instinct FAQ. Because I do not play SFII... but do play MK, I will try to explain everything as if you haven't played either. The game is a Mortal Kombat/Virtual Fighter/Street Fighter type game with graphics that blow em all away. My only current complaint is that it seems impossible to block combo moves, and this gets you killed way too quick for 50 cents. (IMHO) Sorry for the big delay I have been swamped. There is some new stuff in here as well as another format change.(last one I, really!) See the misc section for release date stuff! _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/ Game Description _/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ ********** * Rounds * ********** Each player starts with 2 bars of energy to use for the entire game. (Think of it as one LARGE bar but only half is shown onscreen at a time.) Once the first bar is gone, the player falls, gets up and starts to use the second bar of energy. The player who wins the first round gets to keep their remaining energy plus still has the second bar to use. This makes it more fair to the person who wins the first round. So, if you weren't paying attention, and lost big time the first round... chances are very slim for a come-back! Last Breath: This allows you one last chance for life. You get enough energy to take one more hit! I have one matches using this, and really upset some people! After the voice says 'No Mercy' start rotating your stick and maching buttons, you guy will get back up and start to fight again! You MUST do this before the other person start's doing the no mercy! If you were the winning person and do not want your opponent to come back with his 'Last Breath' you must just hit them again, and forget about the no mercy! ********** * Combos * ********** A combo is a consecutive series of hits (punches/kicks/specialty moves) without your opponent being able to retaliate. These are not all confirmed and don't work all the time. I did see Orchid do a Combo Breaker. I don't know how, she just did her Helicopter Kick, and the guy flew back. Each characters combos are discussed in detail on their page of the FAQ. They've given each combo a "name" and when you complete one the game will flash it up on the screen (similar to PR) and speak it, like "Hyper Combo"! The combo "names are as follows: 3 Hits: Triple 4 Hits: Super 5 Hits: Hyper 6 Hits: Brutal 7 Hits: Master 8 Hits: Awesome 9 Hits: King 10 Hits: Monster 20 Hits: Ultra! And they go on...... ********************** * Ultimate Victories * ********************** If you win without losing your first bar of energy it is considered an "Ultimate Victory" and the character gets a close up animation! These animations are described in each character's section of the FAQ. ************** * NO MERCY'S * ************** More commonly known as fatalities...... When you defeat your opponent the computer yells "NO MERCY" and that is your chance to kill him. (i.e. Finish HIM! from MK) These "No Mercy's" are also described in each character's section of the FAQ. ********** * STAGES * ********** Each game is played on a different stage. Each with its own background picture, music. The players cannot pick which stage to play on , it's randomly selected by the game. The current stages are as follows... - Canyon In this stage you are fighting on a rope/log bridge with a huge rock canyon in the background. An interesting effect is that the bridge kinda bounces when you jump on it. The setting sun has the sky turned blazing red and the clouds are streaming towards you like mad. The music for this stage has sort of an American Indian sound to it, with the chanting etc. The main thing to remember on this stage is to avoid being trapped on either end of the bridge since this puts you higher than your opponent and at a serious fighting disadvantage! - City Rooftop This stage has you on the rooftop of a skyscraper in a futuristic city at night. In the background there are various other buildings with flashing red beacons. There are also two billboards, one showing an animated Ultra 64 logo and the other showing a realtime scaled down version of your current fight! There is no high or low ground on this stage, but being trapped in a corner can be pretty damaging. Although the roof looks alot like the ring used in Virtual Fighter you CANNOT knock your opponent off the roof, they merely get cornered. - Castle Rooftop Similar to the City Rooftop scene but in this one you are set in more of a medieval time. Sort of a Transylvania feel to it, with bats flying around and lightning flashing....even has a full moon! Again, no high or low ground but watch those corners. And again, you cannot be knocked off the roof. - Boxing Gym This one has you in a boxing workout gym with a boxing ring in the background and large punching bags hanging down. This is one of the cooler scenes cause as you and your opponent move back and forth the perspective of the scene changes and you can really see the 3-D effect with the punching bags and all. - Alleyway Wow we're out on the streets, fighting amongst the broken down cars and graffiti covered buildings! This scene is also on of the better ones for seeing the 3-D effect of the perspective changes, particularly in the cars in the background. The music here has lots of police sirens going in it. - Chateau Here you are fighting in a nice cozy little room with a fire going in the fireplace and classic paintings hanging on the walls. Rich maroon velvet drapes and gold chandeliers add to the feel of the room. There is a large wooden door to the far right and stairs leading upwards to the left. Don't get forced onto the stairs, this puts you on higher ground and therefore at a disadvantage. _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/ Controls _/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ Your character is controlled using 6 buttons and 1 joystick. The top row of buttons are high attacks/punchs and the row bottom are low attacks/kicks. To keep the move list simple I will use the numbers 1-6 to represent button presses. Below is the map. 1 2 3 4 5 6 If you have played the SF games then the buttons are: 1 = Jab Punch 2 = Middle Punch 3 = Fierce Punch 4 = Jab Kick 5 = Middle Kick 6 = Fierce Kick Pull Back (away from opponent) to block. To explain joystick movements I will use the following: F = Forward B = back D = Down U = Up QCT= quarter circle towards QCB = quarter circle back HCT = half circle towards HCB = half circle back I've found that not all moves are quarter or half circle. There are moves that seem to require a 3/4 circle from back to top. For these I will use 3/4CF. (for 3/4 circle forward, from back to top) Almost all the characters have a move using QCT and Punch, I just do not know exactly what they all do. (yet) Almost all moves that start off with Back need to charge for a few seconds! Moves with * in front of them have not yet been confirmed by myself, or more than one person. As I try them, or anyone else (besides the person who gives them to me in the first place)says they worked I will take off the *. I am not saying I don't trust people..., I just don't want to get flamed by people saying "Your FAQ says this, and it doesn't work, and I lost,and..." So let me know if you can confirm a move! _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/ *********************** CHARACTERS *************************** _/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ ************** * T.J. Combo * ************** Description: Looks like Apollo Creed from Rocky except really huge. He wears black shorts and an American flag pattern tank top. He seems to be pretty powerful. It might have been better to digitize him rather than render, cause he looks a little too plastic-like for me. Known Moves: Swinging Backhand: B(for a few seconds),F,1 Double Roll and Punch: B,F,2 Charge at Opponent: B,F,3 Straight Knee: B,F,4 Straight Up Knee: B,F,5 (Can knock opponents out of the air) Flying "Tiger Knee": B,F,6 Punching Bag: 1,1,1,1,etc (Must be close) Combos: 8 hit combo: Jump,6,B&D,2,2,F,2,6,6 ? hit combo: B,F,2,F,B,1. (ultra at end of match) No Mercy: F,F,F,F,(2 or 5) A bell rings, he jabs his opponent in the gut and then turns his back to the viewer, and breaks the opponents neck! ******** * Jago * (rumored he will not be in the final release) ******** Description: Wears a sword strapped across his back like Conan and wears a mask sort of like the ninjas in MKII. He has a short sword for close range attacks. Known Moves: Fire ball: HCT, any Punch button * Flying Heel Kick: D,HCT (F,D,B,), any Kick button * Uppercut: F,D,F, any Punch button Combos: 7 hit combo: Jump,6,F,2,2,2,D,F,2 ? hit combo: HCB,6,5,5,HCB,4 (ultra at end of match) * NO Mercy: F,F,F,1. (Not confirmed. But I did see one where he stabs the opponent twice.) *********** * Glacius * *********** Description: Think of metal dude from Terminator 2, but made of ice. He has these wierd fang like features on his face. He has many easy moves to do, but hard to get them to connect. Known Moves: Blade Arm: HCB,1 Slide: HCB,3 Puddle Port: HCB,4 Puddle Punch: HCB,6 Bouncy Ball: HCF,1 Combos: 7 hit combo: D,F,D,B,5,B,3,3,D,F,3 ? hit combo: B,F,3,2,2,HCB,3 (ultra at end of match) * No Mercy1: Freeze: D,HCB(F,D,B),6 * No Mercy2: Blob: D,HCB(F,D,B),4 * No Mercy3: Icepick: 2* HCB or 2* HCF then 3 or 6. This means 2 half circles forward or backward. These are definately unconfirmed. So, if anyone has seen these please let me know! ********** * Spinal * ********** Description: He's a Skeleton warrior. He wields a huge scimitar in his left hand and a shield in his right. Wears a red bandana around his head. And he lets loose this really evil (ala Tales from the Crypt) laugh when he wins. Spinal can Morph inot the other characters, but only the character he is fighting against! I have done this several times on accident, but do NOT have the confirmed move! Known Moves: Absorption Shield: B,1 (hold till hit with a projectile) Flaming Skull: HCT,any Punch button (only with circling skulls!) Teleport Near: D,D,D,3 Teleport Far: D,D,D,6 Charge: F,F,2+5. (the + means both at once) Slide: HCB,6 or D,6 Morph: ??? (Someone must know!) Combos: 9 hit combo: Jump,6,F,F,1,B,3,3,3,F,F,3,F,3. (you can add a slide onto it if it worked!) also instead of the F,F do a charge (F,F,2+5) ? hit combo: F,F,(3+6), 2*QCT,3 (2 times QCT) No Mercy: B,B,B,B,5 (Stand close) Another skeleton comes out of the ground and grabs opponent's body, and brings it down with him! ********** * Orchid * ********** Description: She wears a green jumpsuit and wields two little sticks (sorta like nunchuks without the chain). These sticks glow when she hits and can magically lengthen to about 3' so the can be used like a sword for some of her specialty moves. She moves very quickly but, her moves seem too easy to block, and not do much damage. But, I have seen her do some killer combos! Known Moves: Backflip Kick: B(for a few seconds),6. Tiger Animality: B(for a few seconds),F,1 She turns into a tiger, and runs accross the screen to attack the opponent. Helicopter Kick: B(for a few seconds),F,5 Charge Block: B Laser Beam: QCT,1 * Spinning Slash: HCB,3 * Helicopter Blade: HCB,2 Combos: 7 hit combo: Jump,6,B,D,F,6,B,6 ? hit combo: B,F,6,B,F,6 No Mercy: D,F,B,1 (Stand about 1 person away) The opponent turns into a frog. After that press 6 and if you're close enough you will step on them and kill them! ***************** * Chief Thunder * ***************** Description: Indian chief with tomahawks. Very quick, very strong, very cool graphically. Better description coming up in the next FAQ. Known Moves: Head Attack: HCB,3 (If you miss then do the second part of this below.) Reverse Head Attack: HCT,3 (In the air after a miss. He then dives at the opponent.) Tomahawk Throw: 3/4CT,6 (3/4 circle from Back to Up, then 6.) You can move the tomahawk like Kung's hat!) * Spinning Chop: B,F,1 Combos: 9 hit combo: Jump,B,6,3,F,3,B,3,D,F,6 ? hit combo: B,F,3,B,F,1 No Mercy: ????? *********** * Fulgore * *********** Description: He is a grayish metallic looking guy with blue veins running all over the surface. He has two large blue glowing sloth-like claws on each hand. He also has a funky looking crest on his head. He has VERY fast kicks, and combos. Known Moves: * Electric Bolts: HCT,1 * Electric Charge: B,F,4 * Uppercut: F,D,F,1 Lightning Bolt: QCT and 1. Push back twice, and he shoots out 2. * Reflector: HCB,4(or 3) Any missle attack towards him gets reflected back at the opponent! * Teleport Near: B,D,B, any Punch button * Teleport Far: B,D,B, any Kick button Combos: 6 hit combo: Jump,6,D,3,F,D,F,3 ? hit combo: B,F,6,4,4,1 (keep hitting 1) No Mercy: HCT,3. (Stand 2 characters away) He shoots a laserbeam from his head and fries his opponent. ************ * Meltdown * ************ Description: He is similar to Glacius but he is made of fire! He always has a glow around him and little puffs of flame coming off him floating upward. Known Moves: Human Fireball: F,F, any Punch button (can be done in the air!) Flame Thrower: F,F, any Kick button * Flip Kick: F,D,F, any Kick button * Anti Projectile: HCB,1 Outline: QCB,1 He turns almost invisible. He is just a outline, and he can walk through opponents as well as missle attacks. Invisible: QCB,3 This turns him into just a few flames. He is very difficult to see, and this can be very devastating. Combos: 7 hit combo: Jump,6,B,B,1,F,3,6,D,F,6 No Mercy: B,B,B,B,(1 or 4) Burns opponent up...(Toasty!) ************* * Sabrewulf * ************* Description: Grayish colored wolf/werewolf wearing some torn up green clothing. Very cool blood dripping from his mouth all the time. Probably the best guy for beginners. Known Moves: Spinning Claw: B,F,3. Keep pressing 3 for more than one spin. Energy Howl: D,B,HCT,5 (I think) He will howel, and all his moves will do more damage, and last longer! Lunge: HCB,6 Throw Bat: QCT,1 Throws a bat at you. * Big Slash: F,D,F,3 ????: B,F,5 (all back moves must charge!) ????: B,F, 4 (Think it's a short lunge...will know by Monday!) Combos: 7 hit combo: Jump,B,6,B&D,6,F,3,3,D,3 ? hit combo: B,F,4,3,3,B,F,4 No Mercy: ???? If you win without using up your first energy bar, he has a AWESOME animation where he is all bloody! ********** * Riptor * ********** Description: Two legged raptor type dinosaur. Reddish orange in color. When he gets hit he bleeds purple blood. Seems a little out of place in this game. Known Moves: * Fireball: HCB,1 * Charge: B,F,1 * Leaping Claws: B,F,any Kick button Fireball air: Jump up, half circle (from up to down), 2+5 (both 2&5 at the same time.) Tail: HCB,5 * Fireball: HC (from up to down),any Punch button * Flip & Slap: HCB,any Kick button Combos: 6 hit combo: Jump,6,F,3,D,B,3 ? hit combo: B,F,5,3,3,B,F,4 No Mercy: ???? _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/ Miscellaneous Stuff _/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ ********** * Rumors * ********** Jago will NOT be in the final release. The game was designed in Europe, and just created here. Glacius has 3 No Mercy's. The game is on a hard drive... well almost. I have been told, to make updates easier, currently it's on a CD rom. This explains the delays at the beginning of play. And yes it will change, before it's released! There will be 14 total stages in the final release! ******** * Bugs * ******** Since nobody (at a certain game company) wants to say what version the current one is, I don't know what bugs are in what version. Sometimes when on the roof stage, a player will get knocked into the air with the camera angle from above looking down. The camera is about 50 feet in the air, and there is NO body floating around up there. All you see is the one person still on the ground. If the person on the ground is Chief Thunder, he can keep doing the Flying Head Butt, and keep this invisible body in the air! Also if you get stuck in the corner... and the Chief keeps headbutting you into the air... your stuck till you die.(and then some) Not known, but most likely a hardware bug that is also in SOME MK II machines, nobody will be able to move. The characters just stand there. If you hit the machine (near the joystick's) this will free them up. Not all 'No Mercy's' work on all characters. Either the animation for these are not completed, or you must use a different 'No Mercy' on that person. ******** * Misc * ******** Release Dates:(yea) The game is being made slowly, and is being shipped to all the BIG aracdes, and will go into super mass shipping by DEC 1st. So All the little arcade everywhere will start to see it then! Appologies for the lack of descriptions, like I said before I have been swamped. Version 3.1 of this (hopefully out next week!) will be much more descriptive. I just needed to get the format change done, and a few new additions! If anyone can fill in the blanks let me know! I am in touch with a Midway rep... Hopefully we will get some inside info. Hopefully the list of places to get this faq will grow. If you have a FAQ site, let me know! It will be on Karl Czapla's site, but I don't have the info how to access it. (sorry, next time!) The latest version will also be in the rec.games.video.arcade news! Midway, Nintendo, Ultra64, Killer Instinct, Mortal Kombat, Terminator, and all other trademarks used in this FAQ are hereby acknowledged. I am not associated with anyone! And take no responsibility for anything. *** Please DO NOT call any of these companies begging for moves or hints. It will only hurt relations! If you have some big questions ask me, and I will TRY to get an answer! Getting answers from them has been is a very touchy subject, and we are trying to keep an opening here. Thank you. Credits and Thank You's! Brian Smolik (me).............................smolik@maat.mct.anl.gov John George ..................................jvl@ripco.com Michael J. Kokal .............................mjk@paragonind.com Steve Christofferson .........................sbchrist@rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu Scott Wiersum ................................swiersum@interaccess.com Benjamin Novak ...............................b-novak@ux5.cso.uiuc.edu Andy Eddy ....................................vidgames@netcom.com Utz Vogt .....................................Deathlove@aol.com Karl Czapla ..................................kczapla@night.vtc.vsc.edu Steven D. Gould ..............................Bhubsc01@solix.fiu.edu Jeff Yang ....................................None Steven Petroniak .............................None Jason Homesley ...............................None Special Thanks Several Midway Reps. for giving what information they could at the time, and will hopefully be as helpful in the near future. They know who they are ;-) Nintendo .....................................Nintendo of America Midway .......................................Williams/Bally/Midway ::: ::: ::::::: ::: ::: ::::::: :::::::: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: +:+:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+:+ +:+ +:+ +#+# +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+#+ #+ #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# ### ### ####### ###### ###### ####### ### ### ::::::: ::: ::: ::::::: ::::::::: ::::::: ::: ::: ::::::: :::::::: :+: :+:+ :+: :+: :+: :+: :+:+ :+: :+: :+: +:+ +:+ +: +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +: +:+ +:+ +:+ +#+ +#+ +#+#+ +#+#+#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+#+ +#+ +#+ #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# ####### ### ### ####### ### ####### ### ### ####### ### FAQ for the Limited Release Version. Ver 5.1 This file is Copyright (c) 1994. All rights reserved. Distribution of this file, in whole or in part is permitted, provided it isn't modified in any way and that proper credit is given to the authors. _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/ Introduction _/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ Hello all, and welcome to the Killer Instinct FAQ. Well just when I thought I might get some time to actually PLAY the game Midway releases a version where nothing from the old one is the same just to keep me busy! Thanks Guys! The 'Limited Release Version' is for all the current machines with the Cinder character. It's called the Limited Release because it's not everywhere yet, and there is always a possibility of Midway changing everything again! For the older(test) version, I am currently looking for someone to maintain it that has a test version to play on, so if you have access to a test version (Meltdown) and would like to get something to keep you busy then let me know! The game is a Mortal Kombat/Virtual Fighter/Street Fighter type game with graphics that blow 'em all away. There will now be 2 seperate FAQ's. This will eliminate me from having to place symbols for moves that worked on the old one and do not work on the new one. The current way to tell if you have the test version or the released version of KI is if the guy on fire's name is Meltdown then you have a test version. If his name is cinder, then you have the Limited Release version. (5.0) The version numbers of the faq will now be numbered according to the machine version number (I think) so since the machine is rumored to be 5.0, versions of the faq will go 5.1, 5.2.....ect. See the misc section for release date stuff! _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/ Game Description _/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ ********** * Rounds * ********** Each player starts with 2 bars of energy to use for the entire game. (Think of it as one LARGE bar but only half is shown onscreen at a time.) Once the first bar is gone, the player falls, gets up and starts to use the second bar of energy. A voice will say ROUND 2 or Killer Instinct! The player who wins the first round gets to keep their remaining energy plus still has the second bar to use. This makes it more fair to the person who wins the first round. So, if you weren't paying attention, and lost big time the first round... chances are very slim for a come-back! Last Breath: This allows you one last chance for life. You get enough energy to take one more hit! I have won matches using this, and really upset some people! After the voice says 'No Mercy' start rotating your stick and mashing buttons, you guy will get back up and start to fight again! You MUST do this before the other person start's doing the no mercy! If you were the winning person and do not want your opponent to come back with his 'Last Breath' you must just hit them again, and forget about the no mercy! ********** * Combos * ********** A combo is a consecutive series of hits (punches/kicks/specialty moves) without your opponent being able to retaliate. These are not all confirmed and don't work all the time. Each characters combos are discussed in detail in their section of the FAQ. They've given each combo a "name" and when you complete one the game will flash it up on the screen (similar to PR) and speak it, like "Hyper Combo"! The game is basically a "Combo" game. The whole object is to get massive combo moves. I know I am missing a bunch of combo moves for people. I am going to have to re-organize this part because if I put them all in this thing would be huge! Maybe a seperate faq on combos? The combo "names" are as follows: (some might have changed!) 3 Hits: Triple 4 Hits: Super 5 Hits: Hyper 6 Hits: Brutal 7 Hits: Master 8 Hits: Awesome 9 Hits: King 10 Hits: Monster Then ULTRA for more. And they go on...... Somthing I just learned recently. There are ways to get a 'free' second hit. The buttons are joined together. (I will probably regret telling this because I already get my but kicked enough by combos!) The buttons joined are 1 and 4, 2 and 6, 3 and 5. In other words if I jump at a person and press 2, then after hitting I press 6, it will do a total of 3 (maybe more) moves. So the last move is a free-bee. The idea to combos are to see what moves go together, or flow together. If you are using Jargo, and have his sword out, you might as well use it a few times before putting it away right? Each player also has a combo breaker. These are described in each character's section. Basically it stops your opponent from finishing a big combo. * Hint: know these well, your going to need them! ********************** * Ultimate Victories * ********************** If you win without completly losing your first bar of energy it is considered an "Ultimate Victory" and the character gets a close up animation! These animations are described in each character's section of the FAQ. ************** * NO MERCY'S * ************** More commonly known as fatalities...... When you defeat your opponent the computer yells "NO MERCY" and that is your chance to kill him. (i.e. Finish HIM! from MK) These "No Mercy's" are also described in each character's section of the FAQ. In the new version 'No Mercy' has been changed to danger! I am assuming this is a bug, because it's a little to late to be telling the person danger, when their dead! ***************** * HUMILIATION'S * ***************** These are preformed like the No Mercy's. After the computer yells No Mercy, then doing one of these will make your opponent dance around! These are also shown in each character's section. **************** * Shadow Moves * **************** These can be done after doing a combo breaker. You do a special combo, and a shadow follows your every move. (more to come as I find them) ********** * STAGES * ********** Each game is played on a different stage. Each with its own background and playing area! You can now PICK what level and music you want to play on in 2 player mode. After scrolling to your player, press the joystick down with a button. Each button is a different screen. The first person to pick their character, picks the stage. The second person to pick, picks the music (by the same method of selection). I do not know all the stage choice's yet but if I do, it is posted with it's stage and what button to press. Each character now has a stage associated with them, and there are some stage's you will only get in two player mode. If you do not select music, the appropriate music for that stage will be played. In any case the music described in the stages is the approprate music, but not necessarily the music you hear. I do not have all the music descriptions yet, nor do I have a full description of all the backgrounds. (soon, really!) The Joystick/button selection is in (). As a added note, most of the stairs are located on the left hand side, giving player one a slight disadvantage. The current stages are as follows... - Canyon (D,1) In this stage you are fighting on a rope/log bridge with a huge rock canyon in the background. An interesting effect is that the bridge kinda bounces when you jump on it. The setting sun has the sky turned blazing red and the clouds are streaming towards you like mad. The music for this stage has sort of an Native American sound to it, with the chanting etc. The main thing to remember on this stage is to avoid being trapped on either end of the bridge since this puts you higher than your opponent and at a serious fighting disadvantage! This stage is associated with Chief Thunder. - City Rooftop in Chicago (U,5) This stage has you on the rooftop of a skyscraper in a futuristic city at night. In the background there are various other buildings with flashing red beacons. There are also two billboards, one showing an animated Ultra 64 logo and the other showing a realtime scaled down version of your current fight! There is no high or low ground on this stage, but being trapped in a corner can be pretty damaging. The roofs look alot like the ring's used in Virtual Fighter and you CAN knock your opponent off the roof, you need to do a charge at them usually in the middle of a combo. You will usually fall onto the pink car from the Chicago street stage! This stage is associated with Orchid. - Castle Rooftop (??) Similar to the City Rooftop scene but in this one you are set in more of a medieval time. Sort of a Transylvania feel to it, with bats flying around and lightning flashing....even has a full moon! Again, no high or low ground but watch those corners. And again, you can be knocked off the roof when charged. This is Spinal's Stage. I believe you land in the lava, but I may be wrong. - Boxing Gym (D,4) This one has you in a boxing workout gym with a boxing ring in the background and large punching bags. This is one of the cooler scenes cause as you and your opponent move back and forth the perspective of the scene changes and you can really see the 3-D effect with the punching bags and all. Of course this is T.J. Combo's stage. - Chicago Alleyway (??) Wow we're out on the streets, fighting amongst the broken down cars and graffiti covered buildings! This scene is also on of the better ones for seeing the 3-D effect of the perspective changes, particularly in the cars in the background. The music here has lots of police sirens going in it. Some of the grafitti is "Chicago Lives!","MT"(turmell?),"Kev Boyle's Vehicle Surgery"???. (Don't think is's anyones home) - Chateau (D,5) Here you are fighting in a nice cozy little room with a fire going in the fireplace and classic paintings hanging on the walls. Rich maroon velvet drapes and gold chandeliers add to the feel of the room. There is a large wooden door to the far right and stairs leading upwards to the left. Don't get forced onto the stairs, this puts you on higher ground and therefore at a disadvantage. This is Sabrewulf's hangout. - Mountain Shrine (U,3) This stage looks like you were transported to Alaska. There is snow all around, with a large concrete looking statue of two people (back to back) behind you. One of them looks like Orchid. The fighting area is a long narrow area, with a small bridge in the middle. The area with the statue looks like there should be some way to fight up there, and to anyone at Midway, it would of been cool to be able to walk(fight) all the way around the statue instead of about one half.(just a thought) - Mountain Temple (??) This stage is a lot like the above Mountain Shrine, except there is now a temple with the roof being held up by the two sculptures. Maybe a before and after a nuclear bomb thing here. It makes the other stage look like the ruins of this stage. This is Glacious' stage. - Industrial Warehouse (D,6) This stage place's you on a metal (grated) catwalk, high above in a ole Warehouse. On the side of the catwalk reads 'TDJ Stamper Industries' The fighting area is much shorter then normal, and the characters seem very close. This is where Fulgore hangs out. - Warehouse Basement (D,3) Probably not really the basement, but similar in looks, with a small bridge over lava. I haven't seen anyone fall in yet but I have heard that it is possible. There are flying bats all over. The bridge does bounce a little bit, and the camera really pans in and out a lot! This is Eydol's stage. You can knock him into the lava. - Desert Roof Top (??) Here you are on a rooftop in the desert. In the background there appears the old ruins of a city with very little left. There are vultures circling around, and a very bright sun in the background. - Sky Top Well here is one of the more nasty scenes in the game, not for the weak stomach. You are on top of a small (roof-like) brick area with clouds flying towards you very fast! (enough to make you motion sick) The big problem here is you can get knocked off of the brick top at any time! If you are close to the edge, and someone charges, you going to have quite a fall! You see your character falling for several seconds towards you, then poof, the body makes a cut-out (similar to a gingerbread man shape) in the ground. (A quick loss of $.50 here!) - Alter (D,2) You are now in a marble type alter room. A candle lit area, and pilars with bloody horns, and skulls attached. The room has a very cool looking reflection to it on the floor. This is Riptor's pad. - Dungeon (U,2) This is a infinite scrolling stage, which means you CANNOT get trapped into a corner!(yea) The background just keeps repeating some pillars. - Tiger Shrine (U,6) This stage has a large Golden Tiger head built into the back wall. It looks straight out of a D&D adventure, with jewels and gold. This is Jago's hangout. _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/ Controls _/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ Your character is controlled using 6 buttons and 1 joystick. The top row of buttons are high attacks/punchs and the row bottom are low attacks/kicks. To keep the move list simple I will use the numbers 1-6 to represent button presses. Below is the map. 1 2 3 4 5 6 If you have played the SF games then the buttons are: 1 = Jab Punch 2 = Middle Punch 3 = Fierce Punch 4 = Jab Kick 5 = Middle Kick 6 = Fierce Kick Pull Back (away from opponent) to block. To explain joystick movements I will use the following: F = Forward B = back D = Down U = Up QCT= quarter circle towards QCB = quarter circle back HCT = half circle towards HCB = half circle back I've found that not all moves are quarter or half circle. There are moves that seem to require a 3/4 circle from back to top. For these I will use 3/4CF. (for 3/4 circle forward, from back to top) Also The way I describe the moves may change. I have been told that some moves work better if you use F,D,D/B (down back) instead of making a circle. I will look into this! But for now I still use the circle method. Almost all the characters have a move using QCT and Punch, I just do not know exactly what they all do. (yet) Moves that start with Back normally need to charge.(hold back for a few seconds). Moves that do not end with a number (a specific button) can use any button (punch or kick where specified). The greater the number the longer the move will last. Moves with * in front of them have not yet been confirmed by myself, or more than one person. As I try them, or anyone else (besides the person who gives them to me in the first place)says they worked I will take off the *. I am not saying I don't trust people..., I just don't want to get flamed by people saying "Your FAQ says this, and it doesn't work, and I lost,and..." So let me know if you can confirm a move, especially now with the new version out! _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/ *********************** CHARACTERS *************************** _/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ ************** * T.J. Combo * ************** Description: A young looking African-American boxer. He wears black shorts and an American flag pattern tank top. He is huge and pretty powerful. It might have been better to digitize him rather than render, cause he looks a little too plastic-like. Known Moves: Swinging Backhand: B,F,1 Double Roll and Punch: B,F,2 Charge and Punch: B,F,3 Straight Knee: B,F,4 * Straight Up Knee: B,F,(1/5) (Can knock opponents out of the air) * Flying "Tiger Knee": B,F,6 * Punching Bag: 1,1,1,1,etc (Must be close) * Winding Upercut: Hold 3,B,D,Release 3 then a punch. Combos: 8 hit combo: Jump,6,B&D,2,2,F,2,6,6 ? hit combo: B,F,2,F,B,1. (ultra at end of match) Combo Breaker: B,F,5 Humiliation: ?? * No Mercy: F,F,F,F,(2 or 5) A bell rings, he jabs his opponent in the gut and then turns his back to the viewer, and breaks the opponents neck! No Mercy 2: ?? ******** * Jago * ******** Description: Wears a sword strapped across his back like Conan and wears a mask sort of like the ninjas in MKII. He has a short sword for close range attacks. Known Moves: Fire ball: HCT, Punch Flying Heel Kick: HCB, Kick Uppercut: F,D,F, Punch Blade swipe: HCB,3 Combos: 7 hit combo: Jump,6,F,2,2,2,D,F,2 ? hit combo: HCB,6,5,5,HCB,4 (ultra at end of match) Combo Breaker: B,F,6 Humiliation: ?? * NO Mercy: B,F,F,1. No Mercy 2: ?? *********** * Glacius * *********** Description: A ice creature who looks liek he is from from Terminator 2. He has these wierd fang like features on his face. He has many moves that are easy to do, but connecting with the moves can be difficult. Known Moves: Blade Arm: HCB,1 * Slide: HCB,3 * Puddle Port: HCT,5 * Puddle Punch: HCT,6 Bouncy Ball: HCF,Punch Shoulder Slam: B,F,Punch Combos: 7 hit combo: D,F,D,B,5,B,3,3,D,F,3 ? hit combo: B,F,3,2,2,HCB,3 (ultra at end of match) Combo breaker: HCT or HCB,1 Humiliation: * No Mercy1: Freeze: D,HCB(F,D,B),6 * No Mercy2: Blob: D,HCB(F,D,B),4 * No Mercy3: Icepick: 2* HCB or 2* HCF then 3 or 6. This means 2 half circles forward or backward. These are definately unconfirmed. So, if anyone has seen these please let me know! ********** * Spinal * ********** Description: He's a Skeleton warrior. He wields a huge scimitar in his left hand and a shield in his right. Wears a red bandana around his head. And he lets loose this really evil (ala Tales from the Crypt) laugh when he wins. Spinal can Morph into the other characters, but only the character he is fighting against! Known Moves: Absorption Shield: B,1 (hold till hit with a projectile) Flaming Skull: HCT,Punch (only with circling skulls!) Teleport Front: D,D,D,3 Teleports to infront of opponent. Teleport Back: D,D,D,6 Teleports behind his opponent. Charge: F,F,2. Slide: HCB,6 or D,6 Super Slash: B,F,2 Morph: After starting a combo,tap D,D,D,button. This will morph him into his opponent, do a combo, then morph back. Morphing into Eydol will crash the machine. Combos: * 9 hit combo: Jump,6,F,F,1,B,3,3,3,F,F,3,F,3. (you can add a slide onto it if it worked!) also instead of the F,F do a charge (F,F,2+5) * ? hit combo: F,F,(3+6), 2*QCT,3 (2 times QCT) Combo Breaker: D,D,D,2 No Mercy: B,B,B,B,5 (Stand close) Another skeleton comes out of the ground and grabs opponent's body, and brings it down with him! * No Mercy2: F,F,F,4 (was) Spinal slices the opponent with a sword twice and then pierces him with a spike that emerges from his shield! ********** * Orchid * ********** Description: She wears a green jumpsuit and wields two little sticks (sorta like nunchuks without the chain). These sticks glow when she hits and can magically lengthen to about 3' so they can be used like light sabres for some specialty moves. She moves very quickly but, her moves don't do much damage. But can do some easy combos! Known Moves: Backflip Kick: B,6. Tiger Animality: B,F,Punch She turns into a tiger, and runs accross the screen to attack the opponent. Helicopter Kick: B,F,5 Charge Block: B Laser Boomerang: QCT, 2 Spinning Slash: HCB,6 * Helicopter Blade: HCB,(1 or 2) * Shadow Move: HCB,2 Combos: 7 hit combo: Jump,6,B,D,F,6,B,6 ? hit combo: B,F,6,B,F,6 Combo Breaker: B,F,6 Humiliation: HCB,3 * No Mercy: D,F,B,1 (Stand about 1 person away) The opponent turns into a frog. After that press 6 and if you're close enough you will step on them and kill them! No Mercy 2: ?? ***************** * Chief Thunder * ***************** Description: A Native American chief with tomahawks. Very quick, very strong, very cool graphically. Known Moves: Head Attack: HCB,3 (If you miss then do the second part of this below.) Reverse Head Attack: HCT,3 (In the air after a miss. He then dives at the opponent.) Tomahawk Throw: HCT,Kick You can move the tomahawk KL's hat!) Spinning Chop: B,F,Punch Combos: 9 hit combo: Jump,B,6,3,F,3,B,3,D,F,6 ? hit combo: B,F,3,B,F,1 Combo Breaker: F,D,F,2 No Mercy: HCT,3(About 3 inches away) He will do a sort of rain dance, aim his axe at the enemy, who will then go into convulsions as electricity seems to hit him. No Mercy 2: HCB,6 He does a super hatchet uppercut, resulting with various parts remaining of the different opponents. *********** * Fulgore * *********** Description: He is a grayish metallic looking guy with blue veins running all over the surface. He has two large blue glowing sloth-like claws on each hand. He also has a funky looking crest on his head. He has VERY fast kicks, and combos. Looks like a next generation predator. (lots of conflicting data from people. I will try to verify these myself by the next faq) Known Moves: * Electric Bolts: HCT,Punch * Electric Charge: B,F,Kick Uppercut: F,D,F,Punch * Lightning Bolt: QCB and 6. Push back twice, and he shoots out 2. Reflector: HCB,Punch Any missle attack towards him gets reflected back at the opponent! * Fire Balls: B,B,D,F (throws 2) F,B,B,D,F (throws 3) Teleport Near: B,D,B,Punch Teleport Far: B,D,B,Kick Combos: 6 hit combo: Jump,6,D,3,F,D,F,3 ? hit combo: B,F,6,4,4,1 (keep hitting 1) Combo Breaker: F,D,F,3 Humiliation: HCT,5 * No Mercy: HCB,6(or 3). (Stand 2 characters away) He shoots a laserbeam from his head and fries his opponent. No Mercy 2: HCT,6. His head opens up and a Turret gun blows you away. ********** * Cinder * (Formaly Meltdown) ********** Description: He is similar to Glacius but he is made of fire! He always has a glow around him and little puffs of flame coming off him floating upward. My Complaint here is that if player two choose's him, he look's like Glacius with a red flame around him. Known Moves: Human Fireball: F,F,Punch (can be done in the air!) Flame Thrower: F,F,Kick Flip Kick: F,D,F,Kick * Flaming Palm: B,B,1 Outline: HCB,1 He turns almost invisible. He is just a outline, and he can walk through opponents as well as missle attacks. Invisible: HCB,3 This turns him into just a few flames. He is very difficult to see, and this can be very devastating. Combos: 7 hit combo: Jump,6,B,B,1,F,3,6,D,F,6 Combo Breaker: F,D,F,5 Humiliation: ?? * No Mercy: B,B,B,2 Burns opponent up...(Toasty!) No Mercy 2: ?? ************* * Sabrewulf * ************* Description: Grayish colored wolf/werewolf wearing some torn up green clothing. Very cool blood dripping from his mouth all the time. Probably the best guy for beginners. Known Moves: Spinning Claw: B,F,Punch (Keep pressing Punch for multipel spins) Energy Howl: D,B,HCB,6 (I think) He will howel, and all his moves will do more damage, and last longer! Lunge: HCB,Kick Throw Bat: HCT,2 Throws a bat at you. * Big Slash: B,F,5 * Rolling Slash: B,F,4 Lunge: B,F,5 (Lunge and Upper claw) Lunge: B,F,6 (Pounce and claw) Combos: 7 hit combo: Jump,B,6,B&D,6,F,3,3,D,3 ? hit combo: B,F,4,3,3,B,F,4 Combo Breaker: B,F,2 * Humiliation: F,F,1 No Mercy: ?? No Mercy 2: ?? If you win without using up your first energy bar, he has a AWESOME animation where he is all bloody! ********** * Riptor * ********** Description: Two-legged raptor type dinosaur. Reddish orange in color. When he gets hit he bleeds purple blood. Seems a little out of place in this game. Known Moves: Fireball: HCB,Punch Charge: B,F,Punch Leaping Claws: B,F,Kick * Fireball air: Jump up, half circle (from up to down) Punch Tail: HCB,5 Big Leap: HCT,4 * Upercut Slash: HCB,1 Combos: 6 hit combo: Jump,6,F,3,D,B,3 ? hit combo: B,F,5,3,3,B,F,4 Combo Breaker: B,F,6 Humiliation: ?? No Mercy: ?? No Mercy 2: ?? ********** * Eyedol * You cannot plauy as him (yet) ********** He is the 'boss' character. He is a 2 headed giant, wielding a big club. He swings his club like a baseball bat, he spits fireballs, sometimes 3 in a row. (more once I see him!) He can regain his health by stomping in place! _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/ Miscellaneous Stuff _/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ ********** * Rumors * ********** The game was designed in Europe, and just created here. Glacius has 3 No Mercy's. There will be 14 total stages in the final release! There are more then just Humiliations, and No Mercy's. There are some hidden characters. There are more then 2 hidden levels. The current version number of the latest release is 5.0 ******** * Bugs * ******** Not known, but most likely a hardware bug that is also in SOME MK II machines, nobody will be able to move. The characters just stand there. If you hit the machine (near the joystick's) this will free them up. Morphing (with Spinal) into Eyedol will crash the game. When the computer used to say No Mercy, it now says 'Danger Danger' Which IMHO is a little to late. Hopefully this will be changed back! ******** * Misc * ******** Release Dates:(yea) The game is being made slowly, and is being shipped to all the BIG aracdes, and will go into super mass shipping by DEC 1st. So All the little arcade everywhere will start to see it then! Appologies for the lack of descriptions, like I said before I have been swamped. If anyone can fill in the blanks let me know! I am in touch with a Midway rep... Hopefully we will get some inside info. I will get in the descriptions of the Ultimate Victory animtaions by next time. I just needed to get these new moves out there for everyone! Hopefully the list of places to get this faq will grow. If you have a FAQ site, let me know! It will be on Karl Czapla's site, but I don't have the info how to access it. (sorry, next time!) I can't find the info I had for this site. He will usually post about it in rec.games.video.arcade, or if your desperate and can't reach netcom, I am sure he won't mind if you write him. His address is in the thank you's. The latest version will also be in the rec.games.video.arcade news! Midway, Nintendo, Ultra64, Killer Instinct, Mortal Kombat, Terminator, and all other trademarks used in this FAQ are hereby acknowledged. I am not associated with anyone! And take no responsibility for anything. (Except for this FAQ!) *** Please DO NOT call any of these companies begging for moves or hints. It will only hurt relations! If you have some big questions ask me, and I will TRY to get an answer! Getting answers from them has been is a very touchy subject, and we are trying to keep an opening here. Thank you. Credits and Thank You's! Brian L. Smolik (me)..........................smolik@maat.mct.anl.gov John George ..................................jvl@ripco.com Michael J. Kokal .............................mjk@paragonind.com Steve Christofferson .........................sbchrist@rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu Spencer Olson ................................olsospe@elof.acc.iit.edu Scott Wiersum ................................swiersum@interaccess.com Benjamin Novak ...............................b-novak@ux5.cso.uiuc.edu Zakarius "Pappy" .............................Zakarius@aol.com Billy J. Bissette ............................bjbisset@eos.ncsu.edu Andy Eddy ....................................vidgames@netcom.com Utz Vogt .....................................Deathlove@aol.com Karl Czapla ..................................kczapla@night.vtc.vsc.edu Steven D. Gould ..............................Bhubsc01@solix.fiu.edu Henry Wu .....................................henrywu@casbah.acns.nwu.edu Pericom ......................................EQR8KHOKHAM.UNL.AC.UK Jeff Yang ....................................None Steven Petroniak .............................None Jason Homesley ...............................None And anyone else I forgot! If you should be here, drop me a line and I will get you in next time! (Sorry) Special Thanks Several Midway Reps. for giving what information they could at the time, and will hopefully be as helpful in the near future. They know who they are ;-) Nintendo .....................................Nintendo of America Midway .......................................Williams/Bally/Midway RareGame .....................................Rareware